Young Adult Program

Gracie Square Hospital offers an inpatient program for the treatment of young adults, ages 18 to about 29, addressing specialized needs of this age group with emerging psychiatric disorders.  Effective treatment prevents functional decline and psychosocial complications, maximizing socialization, educational and vocational progress.  Major psychiatric disorders including Affective and Psychotic disorders often present in late adolescence or the early twenties.  Research points towards better acute outcomes and prognosis when treated closest to the onset of symptoms.  Early episodes of psychosis often respond to lower doses of medications minimizing side effects and risk of chronic medical issues.  Individual and group psychotherapies including cognitive behavioral therapy are most effective at this stage.  Specialized focus for young adults promotes acceptance of treatment and post-hospitalization adherence.  Likewise, family interventions and access to intensive community aftercare enhance symptomatic and functional recovery.

Our innovative program provides a multidisciplinary team approach in a comfortable milieu for the young adults.  Expert individual diagnostic assessment and psychosocial evaluation guide interventions.  Psychiatric and medical providers utilize evidence based psychopharmacology with the most favorable side effect profile for optimal symptom remission and functioning.  Individual sessions provide symptom assessment, counseling and discussion of stressors unique to this age group and assistance with adjustment and psychoeducation.  Therapeutic activities address patients’ symptoms, coping strategies, socialization and discussion of educational and vocational goals.  Family counseling and therapy provide support, education and guidance about supportive interactions that best promote recovery.